Shop Opening Dates for 2020 + Sold Out Books
• Shop Opening Dates:
Currently closed until further notice.
Due to the indefinite Corona Virus Quarantine in Jordan, Postal services are closed.
Please stay safe and keep calm!
Due to recent changes on my daily work schedule, the shop will be opened for a certain period each month, unless there's a pre-order or book release.
Here are the opening dates for the next two quarters of 2020:
March: 1st-15th
April: 1st-15th
May: CLOSED throughout
June: 1st-15th
July: 1st-15th
August: 1st-15th
Digital Products will always be available for purchase.
Any changes on these dates will be updated in this post + and announced on twitter
• Sold Out Books:
Currently, Grey is... Vol2 and Vol3 are sold out.
They will be reprinted in a new edition, however there are no set dates for their availability as of right now.
You can always check the Digital books, or read the story online.
Apologies for the inconvenience!
• Coming Soon Products:
I am currently setting up a new space which part of it is for inventory and packaging. I was unable to put the 'coming soon' products in an accessible place for potential orders.
I will try to release a couple in April, but it's more likely that they'll be available in summer.
• Volume 9:
There are no clear estimation to when this book will be available. You can stay in the loop of creating it by checking the hashtage #GreyisVol9 on twitter.
All I know is that the book will take a while to be printed, even after I finish it and there is a chance it will be released with volume 10. I will write in depth more about it once my plan for the book is clearer.
I have to supervise and work on the new editions of Volumes 2 and 3.
Volumes 4 and 5 are close to selling out as well, so I have those on a further, but close enough space in my mind. So printing a book on top of that sounds like a lot right now.
But more importantly, the current arc is massive. I feel like I'm back to volumes 1 and 2 when I was just sitting and arranging stepping stones for what's to come. I am not thinking of an end for each upcoming book but going with the flow of what the characters and the story-line needs at the moment in an unconfined manner.
Thank you for reading and understanding!
I love your story. I love your art. Thank you for working so hard and creating such meaningful characters. I appreciate you. 💕
I hope you and your loved ones can stay safe during Covid19 pandemic. I just wanted to let you know that your work has really helped me and I always look forward to reading them. Thank you for creating Grey Is
Thank you for your hard working!! , wish u the best .
Thank You! for your hard work! <3